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Prison DTS in Ratchavuri started on June 5th, 2012 by Bangkok Leader who has a vision that one day the words of the Lord will bring light to the prisoners as Paul had done in the past in the bible we have read it. Through his faith, all things can be possible.  As we trust in the Him “when God has set something in the good beginning, then He will finish with good”, the love, help, and financial poured out into our school through our family in Christ.  So this school (PDTS) could be happened. We have found most of our students still keep walking in God ways after school finishing on August 31st, 2012.

I came here as a staff without support but God’s faithful He provide all things for me. As He told me through my prayer “one day the Leader called me to join this school as a staff. I was so excited and answered him that I will keep it in my prayer. Through working as a volunteer translator with teams, I got time to pray to the Lord about this next step. I heard God told me  “Go” The second one “trust in me”. The opening of the school was coming soon,  finally I made the decision to go there by faith even though I’ve found that I will be one staff man also I had concerned how can I raise support for my second school IPHC.  However I was there already with doubting. The way of man’s thinking couldn’t be possible but the way of God’s thinking could be possible. Until now I got some money for my second school enough for my visa, school fee, air plane ticket, and some pocket money”.

The very first day in the prison, it’s new experience for me because I’ve never been to the prison like this before. We got into our class with 50 students were waiting for us. They looked so excited to study. These all students came to register by their willing not by forcing. Thanks God that He open their heart to meet something that will help them out of darkness. We had talked an overview about our course what it would be and what we would study in each week. And also handed them out some bibles, notebooks and pens they would use them while studying.  Getting to study a little bit on this day with the topic of Character of God.
How could I be friend with them and how could I be a part of their life? I went to talk with them during breaking time. More time I spent with them I got to know more about their stories why they got into this prison. Also knowing more about their life in this prison too that you wouldn’t expect that some unexpected stuff could be happened.

One thing that I am amazed, most of prisoners got tattoo on their body even it’s the prohibit having. But it could be possible by sneaking. If you looked on their tattoo, it’s a beautiful art. However it has meaning. Some of them told me that if I knew God before, I won’t have it. Before I don’t know how I can get rid of tension, pressure from the inside and outside, confusing, misunderstanding from family, doubting, death, failure future, unloved family and etc. Pain could help us to get in our forgetting world. Pain could relief us from all these things (you know someone has scars on their heads and body skins cause of cutting). Now they have known they have hope in God and He already took all they pain out both inside and outside.

More miracles happened during school time. Some of students challenged God if He is real, helping me to see my family I haven’t seen them for long time since I’ve been here.  God is amazing! Through his faith, he got an appointment to see his family on the next day. He gave thanks to the Lord by giving his testimony in front of his friends to trust the Lord with all your heart. He is a truly God who can help us.

Story of a prisoner one of our student, he did something wrong, so on the next day he couldn’t come to study with us. He was detained in his zone. However he was willing to study. He asked God what I should learn today. Help me. Then he took his bible and opened it. He found one story of Jesus washed disciples’ feet before He died. Even he didn’t know that the leader and staff has done this same thing as he read to all our students. The holy spirit of God have lead him to the same time of feet washing. We washed every student’s feet today. And also we all learn the word of “FAMILY in CHRIST” and also “The LOVE of GOD”.


A prisoner who gets mad easily but God has changed his heart to slow in angry. He told us that one day one of his roommates did something unsatisfied, he was strongly intense to hit that guys but before he would punch him, he glanced to see bible and opened it. The verse says about slowly in angry. After that day I have seen his manner in good way.

God can do anything for their life, restore them to become new person “old body has died, we are now in our new body of Christ”.  If you were in this school with us, you will know what crime they did. The mercy of God has changed them.


ETC. of the miracle things happens to our students

Here I’ve learned a lot from this PDTS too. I learn about giving; willing to give is the source of happiness if we are not willing something back. I’ve learned that some of them are willing to give me something as a good book and also foods for staff during breaking time. They don’t have any money but they are willing to give something for us.


I’ve learned about friendship appear among us and supporting to each other when someone are under of low life. Once I interviewed a student what you think about this school, do you like it? He told me “since I come to study PDTS my life has changed. I feel more peace and hope. My life totally changed from the past. I like this school and I want PDTS2 open soon because the words of the Lord bring life to us.

Time flies as fast it was. Today was the 31st of August, it was the last day of the school I was excited to see all my students getting graduation. Today it will be proud of them that are proved to among of their friends to walk in Christ. Also I am so proud of them to see them receiving the honor of certificate. It’s sad as the last minute was coming soon. I would cry but I couldn’t. I have to be joy and happy with them. Seeing their face full of joy, made me happier!


Spending time with them, talking with them, encouraging for them, having lunch with them, and taking photos before Ieaving.

This is topic we taught at PDTS school in each week
                                             1. Character of God                                                              2. Trusting and Savior
                                             3. Hearing God’s voice                                                         4. God’s calling
                                             5. Who are we in Jesus Christ?                                            6. The taking care of God
                                             7. Worship                                                                            8. Evangelism
                                             9. Spiritual Warfare                                                             10. Inner healing
                                             11. Father’s heart                                                               12. The week of summary

Prison DTS, 2012

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